Posts Tagged ‘Eisenhower’

The Problem of Iran

September 1, 2015

The Problem with Iran

The Iranian nuclear treaty sounds like a very good deal. It will delay Iran building nuclear weapons and perhaps stop it. Some say they don’t trust Iran, but why would Iran trust us? President Eisenhower overthrew the democratically elected government and placed the Shah on the throne. He was a tyrant but he was our tyrant. Eisenhower also gave Iran it’s first nuclear materials and encouraged Iran to develop nuclear energy as part of his “Atoms for Peace” program. Eisenhower believed nuclear energy could prevent wars over resources, particularly oil resources.

Reagan sold weapons to Iran during their civil war with no one entirely certain as to the recipient of the weapons. That was a violation of both domestic and international laws since Iran was a state sponsor of terror. Reagan lied that the weapons were going to Israel but Israel shipped the weapons to Iran with many of the weapons going to Hezbollah (God’s Own Party). Hezbollah blew up the US Embassy in Beirut and a former airport hotel where Marines were barracked, causing the greatest one day death toll of Marines since D-Day on Iwo Jima. The weapons sales continued.

Reagan also sold weapons to Iraq that attacked Iran. The sales included agents for making WMD that Iraq used on Iran to stop Iran from removing Saddam Hussein from power. Reagan called Saddam “an equal partner.”

Then there was the pesky problem of oil around and under the Caspian Sea. US and British oil companies had leases on most of the oil but the pipelines were owned by Russia and although G.W. Bush looked in Putin’s eyes and saw his soul, we didn’t trust Russia. The easiest way to transport the oil from the sea to markets would be across Iran to the Persian Gulf. But we didn’t trust Iran because they remember the US overthrowing their democratically elected government while pretending to spread democracy around the world.

Taliban officials were in Houston twice during the Clinton administration. Once to confer with ENRON that was building the world’s largest refinery in Pakistan across the border from Afghanistan with the aid of US taxpayers. The second meeting was between Taliban and Unocal that had plans for a pipeline across Afghanistan to the ENRON refinery. However no contracts could be signed because Clinton refused to recognized the Taliban as Afghanistan’s official government.

Iran has as many reasons to distrust us as we do to distrust them. The difference is if they don’t keep the arrangement we can make war on Iran as the death merchants want to do now without a treaty. No US president has stopped any nation from making nuclear weapons, so what is the problem?

No white US president has stopped any nation from making nuclear weapons. It’s the Jackie Robinson curse. No person with African blood must be permitted to succeed or others will be encouraged to follow. It’s happened everywhere blacks have been permitted to compete, including politics. Let one succeed and others follow.

Barack Obama is not entirely white. If he delays or eliminates Iran’s plans to make nuclear weapons it will be another huge achievement, far surpassing the achievements of most white American presidents despite the willingness of Republican members of Congress to dishonor their party and sabotage their country rather than allow a black man to succeed as president.

They continue to fail as President Obama continues to succeed.